Home Quilt Hints

In case you need a little help with any of the prompts here are a few suggestions on how to approach the prompts! 

  1. What is the essential ingredient to home? Ask yourself, what would I need to start again, what is the constant to what home means to you?

    *Hint identify a person, pet or object that you can’t live without in this block/ section.

  2. How is home related to memory? Play with the idea of what you remember compared to what actually is.

    **Hint: First draw a picture of your home from memory, next draw a picture from a photograph. This can be macro or micro: a city block, a map of a city or a single building or bedroom. Translate this into your quilt.   

  3. What is your home's relationship to your body and self? How do you orient yourself? Does it fit just right, is it too big or have you outgrown it?

    **Hint: Find the North, East, West and South of your quilt, or the head and feet, or the roof and basement. Mark this space in your quilt.                 

  4. Is home place? Or people? Or both? How do you symbolize this visually? If it is many people and many places how do you capture this multiplicity?

    **Hint: For people, choose a symbol to represent each person that represents home for you this can be simple or complex. For place, consider the boundaries of this place and symbols that define it.                                          

  5. How are objects related to home? Things of comfort, items of habit, furniture worn in or overlooked.

    **Hint: Identify a few objects around your home that you notice or interact with everyday: a favorite chair, lamp, bookmark, knife, coffee mug. Curate and refine this selection.             

  6. Is home near or far? Reflect on the role distance plays into your relationship to your home or homes. Think about your commute/journey, and frequently traveled paths.

    **Hint: Consider mapping a route between different places you’ve considered home throughout your life. If home is always near, how do you represent that closeness visually?           

  7. Is Home different at night than during the day? What defines this difference? Where does the sunlight enter your home? Where do the shadows fall?

    **Hint (Night): Place down a piece of fabric and trace the places shadows fall in your home at night.                                                            **Hint: (Day): Trace the sun spots that come in through your windows. If you want to focus outside: consider the light and shadows created by architecture, plants and streetlamps.                                                           

  8. What does a map of home look like? How does this change depending on whether home is a feeling or a place?

    **Hint: Consider playing with abstract shapes for this prompt, or alternative materials like lace and sheer fabrics that you can layer. How Might pattern and piercing be used to describe a feeling?

  9. How is home related to time? What is constant and what is changed?

    **Hint: Commemorate changes big and small! What is something new but important?What has stayed the same all your life about home? 

2022, Richmond, VA.