Home Quilt Pattern 

Inspired by quilters that break the mold of a traditional pattern this project aims to challenge quilters (new and experienced) to create a sampler that plays with conceptual choices, alongside technical and material choice.  

Each quilt should be unique to the individual quilter’s interpretation of Home. Participants may construct a nine-block quilt top, or a quilt top that takes the nine prompts and interprets each component more abstractly and holistically.

You can find the Home Quilt prompts HERE

The following “Tasks” are guidance to equip students with a variety of skills to be used in their quilt-making process, but are not the limit of what may be included in a final quilt.

TASK 1: Getting Started 
TASK 2: Fabric Painting & Printing 
TASK 3: Machine Piecing 
TASK 4: Applique & Embroidery
TASK 5: Finishing 

2022, Richmond, VA.